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The Impact of Negative News on Our Health and Wellness

The saying goes, “If it bleeds, it leads,” a testament to the news industry's fixation on delivering negative stories to us. But have you ever wondered why we are drawn to negativity? In a thought-provoking 2012 Ted Talk by Peter Diamandis, he explores our innate affinity for negative news and how it stems from our primal survival instinct.

Deep within our brains lies the limbic system, also known as the paleomammalian brain, responsible for processing emotions and memory. Within this system, the amygdala plays a crucial role in detecting potential threats in our environment, guiding our attention towards anything that may harm us. Hence, we are naturally inclined to focus on negative information to safeguard ourselves.

The media capitalizes on this instinct by inundating us with negative news, perpetuating the illusion that the world is steadily declining. However, Diamandis sheds light on the fact that, despite catastrophic events, the world is actually improving. Over the past century, we have seen remarkable advancements, such as the doubling of the average human lifespan, a tenfold decrease in childhood mortality, and a threefold increase in per capita income.

These positive changes can be attributed to the exponential growth of technology. For instance, our smartphones today are not only 100 times cheaper but also 1000 times faster than the supercomputers of the 1970s. This rapid technological progress promises continuous enhancements in our health and a better standard of living.

When it comes to health and wellness, our perception of the world plays a significant role. Amidst the sea of negativity, it is crucial to recognize the progress and positivity surrounding us. By acknowledging technological advancements and improvements in our quality of life, we can cultivate a more optimistic outlook on our health and well-being.


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